Pull requets

This page describes rules to create Pull Requests.


Each commit message should be formed as: [tag1]...[tagN] Message text (#issue)

Message text should start from an upper case letter. If commit doesn't fix or implement any #issue, then it shouldn't be pointed in commit message Examples:

[cpp] Colored log output
[cpp][test] Add unit test for ScEvent class
[kpm][search] Relation type check added

Possible tags:

  • [cpp] - use, when you made changes in cpp wrapper code;
  • [memory] - use, when you made changes in c core code;
  • [tests] or [test] - use, when you made changes in tests;
  • [tools] - use, when you made changes in tools;
  • [builder] - use, when you made changes in builder tools;
  • [codegen] - use, when you made changes in code generator;
  • [review] - use, when you made commit with review fixes;
  • [refactor] - use, when you made commit with some code refactoring;
  • [changelog] - use, when you update changelog;
  • [docs] - use, when you update documentation;
  • [python] - use, when you made commit with python module changes.

Each commit in Pull request should be an atomic. Another word implement or fix one feature. For example:

Lat commit
[cpp] Colored log output
[cpp] Add class to work with console
Init commit

In this example we add class to work with console (where implemented colored output), then in another commit we had implementation of colored log output

Each commit should have not much differences excluding cases, with:

  • CodeStyle changes;
  • Renames;
  • Code formating;

Do atomic commits for each changes. For example if you rename some members in ClassX and ClassY, then do two commits:

[refactor] Rename members in ClassX according to codestyle
[refactor] Rename members in ClassY according to codestyle

Do not mix codestyle changes and any logical fixes in one commit

All commit, that not applies to this rules, should be split by this rules. Another way they will be rejected with Pull request.

Pull request

Each pull request with many changes, that not possible to review (excluding codestyle, rename changes), will be rejected.

For each pull request you should do:

  • update docs/changelog.md file according to your commits
  • ensure prepare updates for documentation
  • cover new functionality by tests
  • your code should be written according to a codestyle

After prepare pull request an automation tests will run on it. If any test doesn't passed, then pull request couldn't be merged and you should to fix it.

All review or other fixes to pull request should be appended as new commits to it