
Templates is a very powerful mechanism to work with semantic network (graph). You can search and generate any constructions using templates. There are list of available classes to work with templates: * ScTemplate - class that represents template in C++ code; * ScTemplateGenParams - parameters that contains values of variables in template. This class usually used when you generate construction by template; * ScTemplateSearchResult - contains result of search by template (list of found constructions); * ScTemplateSearchResultItem - represents on search result item; * ScTemplateGenResult - represent result of generation by template.


Class to work with templates in c++. Before reading this paragraph you need to read common information about types.

Let use f symbols for constant parameter of template. Let use a symbol for a variable parameter of template. Then template to search all output edges from specified sc-element will be a triple: * where first element is known f; * second and third elements need to be found a.

There are possible 3 types of simple templates: * f_a_a - template to find all outgoing edges from a specified sc-element; * f_a_f - template to find all edges between two specified sc-elements; * a_a_f - template to find all ingoing edges to a specified sc-element.

There are some methods available for ScTemplate class: * triple - method that adds triple construction into template. There are some examples of using this function to produce simple templates:

Template Description
f_a_a Graphical representation

Equal C++ code

ScTemplate templ;

This triple template using to traverse output edges from specified sc-element.
There param1 is a known ScAddr of sc-element. It must be a valid (use ScAddr::IsValid method to check). Where _param2 and _param3 are ScType for compare by search engine. When search engine will traverse output edges from param1. Construction will be added into traverse result, where output edge from param1, will suitable to specified type _param2, and type of target element of this edge will be sutable for a type _param3.
You can use any type of _param3 (including edges) depending on construction you want to find. But _param2 should be any type of variable edge.
f_a_f Graphical representation

Equal C++ code

ScTemplate templ;

This triple template using to find edge between param1 and param3.
There are param1 and param3 a known ScAddr of sc-elements. Edge type _param2 should be variable.
a_a_f Graphical representation

Equal C++ code

ScTemplate templ;

This triple template using to traverse input edges from specified sc-element.
There param3 is a known ScAddr of sc-element. You can use any type of _param1 (including edges) depending on construction you want to find. But _param2 should be any type of variable edge.

When template search engine works, it tries to traverse graph by simple (triple) template in order they specified. For example we need to check if specified sc-element (_device) is included into device set and device_enabled set:

Code that generates equal template

ScAddr device_addr, device_enabled_addr;

ScTemplate templ;
  device_addr,    // sc-addr of device node
  ScType::NODE_VAR >> "_device_instance"
  device_enabled_addr,    // sc-addr of device_enabled node
In code you can see a construction ScType::NODE_VAR >> "_device_instance" - this is a naming for a template element. It allows to set name for a specified sc-element in template, and use it many times in different triples. You can see, that in the second triple we use this name "_device_instance". That means, that we need to place search result from a first triple into the second. So the second triple is a f_a_f style triple.

So if you want to use the same element _x in different triples, and you doesn't know it ScAddr, then just use two main rules: * set name of this element in a first occurrence of this element in template triples. You need to use >> operator to do this (see code below, last element of first triple); * when you need to use named element in next triples, then just use it name instread of ScType or ScAddr (see code below, first element if second triple).

Example code with naming

  any_addr, // sc-addr of known sc-element
  ScType::EDGE_ACCESS_VAR_POS_PERM,  // type of unknown edge
  ScType::NODE_VAR >> "_x"  // type and name for an unknown sc-element
  "_x",  // say that is the same element as the last on in a previous triple
  ScType::EDGE_ACCESS_VAR_POS_PERM,  // type of unknown edge
  ScType::NODE_VAR  // type of unknown sc-element

Also you can generate templates using SCs-code. Example code:

ScTemplate templ; 
char const * data = 
  "  _<- device;"
  "  _<- device_enabled;;";
ctx.HelperBuildTemplate(templ, data);

During template building all constants will be resolved by their system identifier (in example: device, device_enabled), so in result templ will be contain template:

Search algorithm trying to find all possible variants of specified construction. It use any constants (available ScAddr's from parameters to find equal constructions in sc-memory).

Search in construction

Do the same as Search, but check if all elements of found constructions are in a specified set.


ScTemplate templ; 
  anyAddr >> "_anyAddr",
  ScType::EdgeAccessVarPosPerm >> "_edge",
  ScType::NodeVar >> "_trgAddr");

ctx.HelperSearchTemplateInStruct(templ, anyStructAddr, result)
