
Python library contains python implementation of useful classes and functions to work with sc-memory.

There are a list of classes:


Object that implements ScAgent behaviour. This is a smart wrapper on event listener. It runs code on registered event emit. Create it with such parameters:


Register(addr, evt_type)
  • addr - ScAddr of element to listen events
  • evt_type - ScPythonEventType type of event to listen

Register ScAgent to run on spcified event emit.


agent = MyScAgent()
agent.Register(self.keynodes[ScAgent.kCmdInitiated], ScPythonEventType.AddOutputEdge)


Unregister ScAgent from previously registered event


This method calls after event emit to check if ScAgent should run on this event.

You can override this method to implement your own check. It should return True when check passed; otherwise - False.

Default implementation returns True.


class MyScAgent(ScAgent):

  def CheckImpl(self, evt):
    # do extra check there
    return ...


This method should be everriden. It calls after passed CheckImpl returns True. Whole logic of agent should be implemented there.


Object that implement ScAgent logic to work with a commands. It built on top of ScAgent object, but you should not override RunImpl of this one. Instead of that you should write your custom logic in overriden DoCommand method.

To create this object you should provide two parameters:

  • module - ScModule
  • cmd_class_addr - ScAddr of command class



Returns command process result ScResult.

You can access command and result addrs in this function with self.cmd_addr and self.result_set


CreateCommand(ctx, cmd_class_addr, params)
  • ctx - ScMemoryContext that will be used to access sc-memory
  • cmd_class_addr - ScAddr of command class
  • params - ScAddr[] array of parameters for a command

Create instance of a specified command class with a parameters and returns ScAddr of generated one.


ScAgentCommand.CreateCommand(my_cmd_class, [param_1, param_2])

will generate such command in ScMemory

  <- my_cmd_class;
  -> rrel_1: param_1;
  -> rrel_2: param_2;;
RunCommand(ctx, cmd_addr)
  • ctx - ScMemoryContext that will be used to access sc-memory
  • cmd_addr - ScAddr of command to run

Returns True on command run; otherwise - False.

Improtant: this function doesn't block thread. It runs command asynchronously.


cmd = ScAgentCommand.Create(my_cmd_class, [param_1, param_2])
if ScAgentCommand.RunCommand(cmd):
  print("Command run")
  print("Can't run command")

RunCommandWait(ctx, cmd_addr, wait_timeout_ms)
  • ctx - ScMemoryContext that will be used to access sc-memory
  • cmd_addr - ScAddr of command to run
  • wait_timeout_ms - wait timeout in milliseconds

Returns True on command run and finished in specified timeout; otherwise - False.

Improtant: this function block thread until command finishes. It runs comman synchronous.


cmd = ScAgentCommand.Create(my_cmd_class, [param_1, param_2])
if ScAgentCommand.RunCommandWait(cmd):
  print("Command run and finished")
  print("Can't run command")

GetCommandResultAddr(ctx, cmd_addr)
  • ctx - ScMemoryContext that will be used to access sc-memory
  • cmd_addr - ScAddr of command

Returns ScAddr of result structure for a specified comand. If there are no result structure, then returns empty ScAddr



Object that wrap some common functions to work with knowledge base. You can create it with such parameters:


kbSetBinaryRelationLinkValue(_addr, _relAddr, _value)
  • _addr - ScAddr of sc-element to change value by relation
  • _relAddr - ScAddr of relation node
  • _value - int | float | str new value of sc-link

Set value of sc-link connected to _addr with _relAddr relation:

_addr _=> _relAddr:

If there are not value linked with _addr by relation _relAddr, then this function create it; otherwise just change value of sc-link to new one.

kbGetBinaryRelationLinkValue(_addr, _relAddr)
  • _addr - ScAddr of sc-element to get value by relation
  • _relAddr - ScAddr of relation node

Return ScLinkContent value of sc-link by template:

_addr _=> _relAddr: 

If there are no such construction, then returns None.

kbReplaceBinaryRelation(_addr, _relAddr, _newTarget)
  • _addr - ScAddr
  • _relAddr - ScAddr
  • _newTarget - ScAddr

Remove any construction that corresponds to template:

_addr _=> _relAddr: 

After that new construction will be created with template:

_addr _=> _relAddr: 

Returns True, when new relation created; otherwise - False.

kbUpdateStructureValues(_addr, _values)
  • _addr - ScAddr of structure to update
  • _values - list of tuples: (_rrel_addr, _new_value). Where _new_value can be ScAddr, str, float, int. In case, when _new_value is not a ScAddr ScLink will be used with a content that equal to _new_value

This function setup values for each item in a tuple _values by template:

_addr _-> _rrel_addr:: _new_value;;

Example code:

helper.kbUpdateStructureValues(structAddr, [
  (rrel_name, 'name'),
  (rrel_height, 178),
  (rrel_mass, 79.6),
  (rrel_other_addr, any_addr)

will produce such sc-construction:

  -> rrel_name: [name];
  -> rrel_height: [178];
  -> rrel_mass: [79.6];
  -> rrel_other_addr: any_addr;;

If any of field, already exist, then it would be replaced by a new value.


Object that implements caching of keynodes. This objects cache requested ScAddr's so you can access it when you need from any places. Create it with such parameters:


  • sys_idtf - system identifier of keynode

returns ScAddr of keynodes with specified system identifier. If keynode doesn't exist, then returns invalid ScAddr


keynodes = ScKeynodes(ctx)
addr1 = keynodes["keynode_idtf"]    # will find it in sc-memory
addr2 = keynodes["keynode_idtf_2"]  # will find it in sc-memory
addr3 = keynodes["keynode_idtf"]    # will return cached value equal to addr1

