C++ Style Guide

In general, Google's coding standard is used, and we strongly encourage to read it.

Below are our specific (but not all!) exceptions to the Google's coding standard:

  • All code should conform to C++11 standard
  • We use .cpp and .hpp files, not .cc and .h (.c and .h are used for C code), in UTF-8 encoding.
  • File names are lowercase with underscores, like sc_memory.cpp.
  • We use #pragma once instead of the #define Guard in header files.
  • Includes are sorted and grouped by directory, there should be newlines between different directories.
  • Order of directories in includes: "current_dir/current_file.hpp", other includes from the same dir, includes from other dirs sorted by name.
#include "../test.hpp"

#include "hash/hmac.h"
#include "hash/sha256.h"

#include "sc-memory/cpp/sc_wait.hpp"
#include "sc-memory/cpp/kpm/sc_agent.hpp"

#include <curl/curl.h>

#include <rapidjson/document.h>
#include <rapidjson/stringbuffer.h>
#include <rapidjson/writer.h>
  • We ARE using C++ exceptions.
  • We are using all features of C++11.

Naming and formatting

  • We ALWAYS use two spaces indent and don't use tabs. If you see old formated file, then change format of it in separated commit.
  • We don't have hardcoded line width, but keep it reasonable to fit on the screen.
  • Doxygen-style comments can be used.
  • Underscores are allowed only in prefixes for member variables and namespace names, like int m_keynodeAddr; namespace sc_utils.
  • Don't use using namespace std or other namepsaces globaly. You can use them localy in test cpp files or functions.
  • Use right-to-left order for variables/params: ScAddr const & addr (reference to the const ScAddr).
  • In one line if, for, while we do not use brackets. If one line for or while is combined with one line if, do use brackets for cycle.
for (ScAddr const & addr : listOfAddr)


for (ScAddr const & addr : listOfAddr)
  if (addr.IsValid())
    return true;
  • Space after the keyword in conditions and loops. Space after ; in for loop.
  • Space between binary operators: x = y * y + z * z.
  • Space after double dash x = isValid ? 2 : 1;.
  • We use using keyword instead of typedef.
  • Compile-time constants must be named in camelCase, starting with a lower-case k, e.g. kCompileTimeConstant and marked as constexpr when possible.
  • Values of enum classes must be named in CamelCase, e.g. enum class Color { Red, Green, LightBlue };.
  • Macros and C-style enums must be named in UPPER_CASE, and enum values must be prefixed with a capitalized enum name.

    Note that macros complicate debugging, and old-style enums have dangerous implicit conversions to integers, and tend to clutter containing namespaces. Avoid them when possible - use const or constexpr instead of macros, and enum classes instead of enums.

Code should compile without warnings!. Just deprecated warning could be present for a short time. But if you see them, then try to fix it in a separate commit


Most of our coding style is specified in a configuration file for ClangFormat. To automatically format a file, install clang-format and run:

clang-format -i file.cpp file.hpp other_file.cpp

Formatting Example/Guide/Reference

#pragma once

#include "sc_addr.hpp"

uint16_t constexpr kBufferSize = 255;

// C-style enums are ALL_CAPS. But remember that C++11 enum classes are preferred.
enum Type

using TMyTypeStartsWithCapitalTLetter = double;

class ComplexClass
  Complex(double rePart, double imPart) : m_re(rePart), m_im(imPart) {}
  double Modulus() const
    double const rere = m_re * m_re;
    double const imim = m_im * m_im;
    return sqrt(rere + imim);
  double OneLineMethod() const { return m_re; }
  // We use m_ prefix for member variables.
  double m_re;
  double m_im;

void CamelCaseFunctionName(int lowerCamelCaseVar)
  static int counter = 0;
  counter += lowerCamelCaseVar;
}  // namespace

namespace lower_case
template <class TTemplateTypeStartsWithCapitalTLetter>
void SomeFoo(int a, int b,
             TTemplateTypeStartsWithCapitalTLetter /* We avoid compilation warnings. */)
  for (int i = 0; i < a; ++i)
    // IMPORTANT! We DON'T use one-liners for if statements for easier debugging.
    // The following syntax is invalid: if (i < b) Bar(i);
    if (i < b)
      // Commented out the call.
      // Bar(c);
}  // namespace lower_case

// Switch formatting.
int Foo(int a)
  switch (a)
  case 1:
  case 2:
  case 3:
  return 0;

// Loops formatting.

if (condition)

if (condition)
  if (condition)

for (size_t i = 0; i < size; ++i)

while (true)
  if (condition)

// Space after the keyword.
if (condition)

for (size_t i = 0; i < 5; ++i)

while (condition)

switch (i)

// Space between operators, and don't use space between unary operator and expression.
x = 0;
x = -5;
x *= 5;
if (x && !y)
v = w * x + y / z;
v = w * (x + z);

// Space after double dash. And full sentences in comments.

Tips and Hints

  • If you see outdated code which can be improved - DO IT NOW (but in the separate pull request).
  • Your code should work at least on [mac|win|linux][x86|x86_64] [android|ios] platforms.
  • Your code should compile well with gcc 4.8+ and clang 3.5+
  • Try to avoid using any new 3party library if it is not fully tested and supported on supported platforms.
  • Cover your code with unit tests.
  • If you don't have enough time to make it right, leave a // TODO(DeveloperName): need to fix it comment.

Some useful macros:

  • macroses to check compilation platform

  // windows platform

 // linux platform
 // OSX (mac) platform

 // iOS platform

 // android platform
- Check code in runtime for Debug builds:

SC_ASSERT(expr, ("message"));
SC_ASSERT(expr, ()); // no message
  • Check if code compiles in Debug mode:
 // compiles in debug
  • Check code in runtime for any type of build. Prefer SC_CHECK_... to SC_CHECK:
SC_CHECK(expr, ("message"));
SC_CHECK(expr, ()); // no message

SC_CHECK_NOT(expr, ()); // equal to SC_CHECK(!expr, ());
SC_CHECK_EQUAL(a, b, ()); // equal to SC_CHECK(a == b, ());
SC_CHECK_NOT_EQUAL(a, b, ()); // equal to SC_CHECK(a != b, ());
SC_CHECK_GREAT(a, b, ()); // equal to SC_CHECK(a > b, ());
SC_CHECK_GREAT_EQ(a, b, ()); // equal to SC_CHECK(a >= b, ());
SC_CHECK_LESS(a, b, ()); // equal to SC_CHECK(a < b, ());
SC_CHECK_LESS_EQ(a, b, ()); // equal to SC_CHECK(a <= b, ());
  • Logging:
  • SC_LOG_DEBUG(msg) - print message in Debug builds. Prefix: [Debug]
  • SC_LOG_INFO(msg)
  • SC_LOG_ERROR(msg)
  • SC_LOG_INFO_COLOR(msg, color) - print colored info message. Look color constants in ScConsole::Color

  • Declare your own exceptions:

class MyException final : public ScException
    explicit MyException(std::string const & msg) : ScException("My: " + msg) {}
- Throw exceptions with SC_THROW_EXCEPTION(exceptionName, message):

SC_THROW_EXCEPTION(MyException, "my message")
  • Exception for a non implemented parts of code